About the Book :
Sri Sri Paramhansa Yoganand, also known as€˜Premavatar €™ was born to devoutBengaliparents on 5th January, 1883, as the second son amongsteightchildren. His parents and his Guru Jnanavatar Sri YukteshwaraGiri,were direct disciples of the eminent Sri Sri Lahiri MahashayaofBenares, an enlightened soul who propounded Kriya Yoga,thetechnique of attaining divinity through self-realisation.Trainedin meditation, the Scriptures and Kriya Yoga, ParamhansaYoganandawas sent by his teacher as an emissary to spread Orientalspiritualknowledge in the West. This he achieved most successfullyduringhis stays in the United States of America from 1920 to 1952.Thus,he penned a first-hand account of his life experiencesinAutobiography of a Yogi which traces the journey of a youngMukundaLal Ghosh thirsting for divine knowledge. During hisjourney,starting with a silver amulet, divinely delivered to hismother, hemeets distinguished people like Mahendra Nath Gupta,SriRamakrishna Paramhansa €™ disciple, andeminentscientist Jagadish Chandra Bose, culminating in his meetinghisguru, Jnanavatar Sri Yukteshwara Giri in Benares. Thehumbledisciple with his simplified explanations of divinity andmiracles,linking Indian philosophy with Christian theosophy, paidabefitting tribute to his Guru and the mission he wasentrustedwith.
About the Author :
The Yogi entered Mahasamadhi on 7th March, 1952, onthehistoric occasion of the banquet held in honour of the thenIndianAmbassador. His body kept in a Los Angeles mortuary, remainedfresheven twenty days after his death.
People whose lives have been touched by histeachingsregularly visit his mausoleum is in California.