وجه مارغريت القبيح - The ugly face of Margaret
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قبيح هو وجه الغياب. مارغريت غابت ولم يبقَ منها سوى صورة. حملها المرض ذات صباح ولم تعد. أمام فاجعة الرحيل، لا يبقى هناك سوى جدار تخبط رأسك به حتى تدمى.تتوه في الشوارع باحثاً عن وجهها ولا تجده. وجهها المضيء انطفأ ولم يبقَ منه سوى وجه الرحيل القبيح. لذلك الوجه ستبوح، وستحكي القصص. ستحكي الحكايات لتنام الصغيرة. ستسرد عليها ما لم يُتح لك عمرها القصير سرده. ستهدهد روحها بقصص عن أشخاص عاشوا حيوات مبتورة مثلها، وآخرين أهدت إليهم الأقدار أحلاماً ملوّنة... ولن تسأم. The face of loss is ugly. Margaret disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a photograph. Illness took hold of her one morning, and she never returned since. Faced with the tragedy of your loss, you can no longer see but a wall against which you bang your head until it bleeds. You wander the streets searching for her face, but you can't find it anywhere. Her radiant face has faded, leaving only the ugly face of loss. It is to that face that you will confess and tell stories. You will read bedtime stories to put that little one to sleep. You will tell her all the stories her short life didn't give you time to tell her. You will soothe her soul with stories of people who lived a fragmented life like hers, and others who were gifted colorful dreams... you will tell her story after story and you will never tire.