غراء في كل مكان - Glue Everywhere Hachette Antoine

غراء في كل مكان - Glue Everywhere

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: 9786140600973

قد تلتصِقُ بنا مُشكلةٌ أحيانًا، فَنسعى إلى حَلِّها وَحْدَنا، بينما قد يكونُ الحَلُّ بِبساطَة، طَلَبَ المُساعَدة.
كُلُّنا قَد نحتاجُ إلى المُساعدة، حتَّى الأبطال الخارِقينَ منَّا. هذا ما اكْتَشفَتْهُ سَلوى بعدما أثارَتِ الكَثيرَ منَ المتاعبِ هُنا، والكثيرَ هُناك. فهي بَقِيَت تَظُنُّ أنَّها "تعرفُ كُلَّ شَيء"، إلى أن وَقَعَتِ الكارِثَة...
• تَحفيزُ الاِستِقلالِيَّة
• تَعَلُّمُ طَلَبِ المُساعَدَة
• تَحقيقُ الأهداف In this amusing story about building independence and confidence, a girl acts like a knowitall until she learns the need to ask grownups for help and guidance.
For independent kids who insist on doing things on their own and do not consider asking for help, meet Salwa whose torn teddy bear will initiate a whole mess she cannot fix on her own!
Written by Nadine Karrit, a translator, a former teacher, a certified trainer, and a Children’s book writer whose first book “I am special” was shortlisted for the prize of the “Arab children’s book publishers forum”, Glue Everywhere delivers a strong message about collaboration as a prerequisite for independence in young people. And yet, that message is delivered in an exceptionally enjoyable manner alternating wits and swift events leading to a climactic moment that is accentuated by Children’s Books Artist Eylem Koçyiğit’s humorous, engaging, and highly expressive illustrations.

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