طيور ايلول - September birds
:In stock
: 9789953266428
كذلك تحاول الكاتبة ، من خلال تجربتها المتواصلة ، ان تبقي الباب مفتوحا على النهايات ، كانها تقول : لست من يضع نقطة الختام "September Birds" is an art exhibition that portrays the Lebanese village in all its aspects. If it weren't for the fact that your being is made of village soil, and if you didn't possess a large share of sensitivity, refined taste, keen observation, and a deep sense of linguistic, human, and aesthetic values, you wouldn't be able to depict the village in such a magnificent way... What adds to the splendor of the images you paint of the village is your ability to delve into the mindset of its inhabitants and their response, whether slow or fast, to the modern developments that encroach upon them from the city, relentlessly invading their space.