الشيطان يحب أحيانا - The devil love from time to time Hachette Antoine

الشيطان يحب أحيانا - The devil love from time to time

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: 9786144690277

كان يعلم أنّ كلّ امرأة عرفها، كان لها نصيب من غدره! قصّته مع كلّ واحدة منهنّ، يسهل إخراجها في فيلم سينمائي مُشوّق. يعلم أنّه كان كريماً مع كلّ أنثى وقعت بطريقه. يتعجّب من النساء اللائي يُصررن على تذكّر اللحظات الأليمة ونسيان الأوقات السعيدة التي عاشوها معه! كان مُوقناً بأنّ كلّ الأشياء تبهت وتموت مع مرور الوقت. لا شيء يبقى على حاله، مهما بلغت درجة عنفوانه. بقيَ مُقتنعاً بأنّ النساء يشبهن الورود في روعة أشكالها، وبهجة ألوانها، وفي سرعة ذبولها. وأنهنَّ كزجاجات العطر، مهما ارتفعت أثمانها، وتميّزت روائحها، لا بدّ من أن ينفد محتواها ذات يوم! He was acutely aware that every woman he encountered played a part in his perceived betrayals. His interactions with each of them could easily be transformed into an enthralling film. He sincerely believed that he was generous with every woman who crossed his path. He couldn't help but wonder about the women who seemed fixated on recalling painful moments while overlooking the happy times they had shared with him. His conviction remained unshaken: everything ultimately fades and succumbs to the passage of time. No matter how intense a moment may have been, it inevitably undergoes change. He steadfastly believed that women resembled roses, both in the allure of their forms and the vibrancy of their colors, but also in the speed of their withering. Like the contents of perfume bottles, no matter how high their value may rise or how exquisite their scents, they are destined to deplete one day.

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